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Internet Infrastructure - SB156

Internet is a necessity for all.

Expanding access to internet for all has become even more of a requirement over the last few years.

We have a huge opportunity to do this.

About SB 156

The state of CA has passed a new senate bill that expands and revises the funding criteria for broadband communications. It adjusts the criteria for "served" vs. "unserved" sites. This means that sites that were previously considered “served” are now eligible to qualify for funding for last-mile broadband infrastructure.

SB156 effectively makes funding available again to affordable housing sites and enables them to implement last mile internet infrastructure projects. This provides a huge opportunity for us to provide underserved communities with access to broadband infrastructure, truly expanding internet for all.

SB 156 Resources & Information

Visit the CPUC website

​Innovative IT Blog- Getting to Know SB156

CPUC Press Release

Senate Bill 156 Information

Middle Mile Funding Information

CPUC Broadband Implementation for California


Applying For SB 156 Funding

Over the last 2 years, our state and local legislators have been fine-tuning the details of this new legislation. We at Innovative IT have been working hard to stay involved and up to date on the information and what it will mean for affordable housing complexes.

The CPUC has released the final dates for the application windows. 

SB 156 Application Windows

Per the CPUC Website, applications must be received on or before the following dates: 

January 1, 2023


We are fully versed in the application proces and are ready to help housing authorities, developers, and contractors prepare the required application materials.

Now is the time to prepare your applications!

Requirements for Application

  • Proof that ownership of the property is a non-profit entity (Tax filing, etc.)
  • Network Design*
  • Project Scope*
  • Project Cost Estimates*

*Innovative IT can provide

Innovative IT will take you through the entire process: we will consult and perform a site survey, create the network design, project scope, and cost estimates, and even submit your application for you.

Once your funding is approved, we will execute the project following all regulatory compliance guidelines.

Innovative IT’s history with Internet Infrastructure

We know residential internet.

We have been helping agencies with the application process and execution of infrastructure funding since 2015, and TCAC funding since 2005. We have executed 200+ infrastructure projects across California.  

Call 1.888.610.0010 or EMAIL US to find out how YOU can apply for and implement internet infrastructure for your Affordable Housing Community.